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Wenn andere Rollen die Haftung verlieren und wegschmieren, kommen die die Carver Concave 69mm 78A wheels in smoke auf die Straße. Perfekt für alle Carver Skater, die kraftvolle Mannöver zelebrieren und maximale Haftung in ihren Turns wünschen. Und das sagt Carver zu den Wheels: “The need for grip has never been more important than in surfskate, where you rely on the traction of the wheels to fully lean into carves and cutbacks.
Roundhouse Concave Wheels give you extra projection out of your turns so you can complete maneuvers you’d otherwise slide out on. The key to this design is the concave riding surface which, when under weight, produces an hourglass-shaped contact patch. This increases the surface area and pushes the lip into the ground, creating more grip than ever before while maintaining consistent roll speed. These are the grippiest wheels you’ll ever ride!”